
Waltz Technique and Styling

Waltz Technique and Styling

By Art Kalmer

The Waltz is the most graceful, flowing, smooth and delicate of the C/W dances. The Waltz has a more sweeping, gliding movement sustained throughout the entire dance.

The Delayed Three

Any side step in advanced Waltz patterns is important because it must be slightly larger in size and held a bit longer than a forward or backward step.

Although the first beat is the accented beat in the measure, the second beat (count 2) is the sustained count.

Example, 1 2 3 4 5 6

Count 2 and count 5 are held (or sustained) longer than the forward or backward steps on count 1 and count 4.

The side steps should be danced at a slight angle, allowing the body to turn.

In Waltz the knees are flexed more than in the Two Step, but never locked. If the feet come together in first dance position or are in a crossed position, the knees are not so flexed.

When going from a flat step to a step on the ball of the foot, you must cushion the rise from the flat foot first. The same applies when going from the step on the ball of the foot to a flat step, cushion the fall by lowering the heel of the weighted foot.

Speaking of levels, you must consider levels in leg positions, from the hip down. The body positions, upper parts of the body, and the levels of arms, elbows and the head.