



Go Country Dancing is one of the few Country Dancing Businesses offered in Kitchener, Ontario. The main focus is on teaching people how to socially dance in the bar doing what is now called Country Swing Dancing. The term has evolved and has many different names such as Bar Swing, Social Two Step, One Step, Single Step, Shuffle Step etc. The idea of this type of dancing is that it’s a stationary dance done to almost any country/rock and roll song. If you are looking to learn this type of dance we are here to help.

Corey is one of the lead country swing dancers in Ontario and has 7 years experience dancing. He has learned 8 different styles of dance, such as: 2 Step, 6 step, Country Swing, Polka, Cha Cha, Waltz, East Coast Swing, and West Coast Swing. He also has 2 years experience teaching dance through the Red Deer College Country Dance Club and has a big focus on making sure his students enjoy and maximize their learning experience when teaching people how to Dance. If you want to try a lesson we suggest you click book a lesson so you can experience Country Dancing first hand.

Book your dance lessons here: