
Looking to Start a Country Swing Dance Competition? Here’s the Rules!

Rules for The Country Swing Dance Competition

Each couple will be required to read and sign the competition rules.  All competitors will acknowledge that they have read and heard and were instructed about the competition rules and that they understood the rules before competing.

  1. Competition eligibility is open to couples above the age of 19.
  2. Couples will consist of a lead dancer and a follow dancer. Only couples will be allowed to participate in the dance competition.
  3. Couples are expected to dress in casual or country western attire. Costumes and any unsafe clothing and footwear are not allowed, judges will determine any attire where there is concern.

Dance Floor:

  1. A maximum of 8 couples will dance on the floor at any one time during the competition.
  2. Depending on how many couples compete, the competition will consist of heats of 8 couples maximum at a time on the dance floor competing. If there are 24 couples then there will be 3 heats.


  1. All heats will or should have an equal or similar amount of couples on the dance floor in each heat except where not possible. (The idea is that there is an advantage for the couples who compete in heats with fewer couples in their heats, compared to ones that have more couples in their heat, eg. More dancers on the floors creates less dancing space and makes it harder to dance and compete compared to heats with fewer dancers.)
  2. If there are 8 couples or more then there will be 2 heats minimum, with a finals round.
  3. If there are 7 couples or less then the competition will consist of 2 rounds with no couples eliminated. And No Finals Rounds.
  4. If there are 20 or more couples, there will be a “semi-finals” round of 8 couples where 4 will be selected to go into a finals round.

Finals Round:

  1. After all the heats 4 couples will be selected by the judges to go into a finals round.
  2. The finals round will be the last round with contestants receiving 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

Judging Criteria:

  1. The judging will be based on the scorecard provided below, and judges will evaluate each couple’s performance in each category.
  2. The scorecard will consist of Nine categories, each with a different number of points:


Timing and Rhythm:                                                                              /10 points

Footwork and Technique:                                                                      /15 points

Musicality and Interpretation:                                                                /10 points

Connection and Partnership:                                                                  /15 points

Creativity and Showmanship:                                                                 /15 points

Overall Appearance and Style:                                                                /10 points

Execution of Required Elements:                                                             /15 points

Audience Appeal and Response During the Competition:                      /8 points

Audience Appeal and Response After the Competition:                         /2 points

 TOTAL SCORE                                                                                                  /100

  1. Each couple will be judged on the following categories using a scorecard system. Here’s a brief explanation of each category:
  • Timing and Rhythm: This category evaluates the couple’s ability to keep time with the music and stay on beat. Timing will be based on the downbeat (bass beat) of the music. Dancers should be landing their feet based on this timing.
  • Footwork and Technique: This category evaluates the couple’s footwork, posture, and overall technique.
  • Musicality and Interpretation: This category evaluates the couple’s ability to interpret and express the music through their dancing.
  • Connection and Partnership: This category evaluates the couple’s ability to dance as a team, maintain a connection with each other, and execute lifts and dips smoothly.
  • Creativity and Showmanship: This category evaluates the couple’s ability to showcase their personality, flair, and creativity in their dancing.
  • Overall Appearance and Style: This category evaluates the couple’s overall appearance, style, and presentation.
  • Execution of Required Elements: This category evaluates the couple’s ability to execute the required elements of the dance style being performed.
  • Audience Appeal and Response: This category evaluates the couple’s ability to connect with the audience and generate excitement and enthusiasm. The audience appeal score will be based on the judges’ decision of how the crowd reacts to the couples being cheered for both during and after the competition.
  1. The total score is out of 100, with each category contributing a different number of points. Judges will evaluate each couple’s performance in each category and assign a score accordingly. The Judges will then tally the scores up and the couple with the highest overall score at the end of the competition is declared the winner.
  2. Each couple will be able to review their scorecard after the winners of the competition have received their prizes.


  1. There will be 2, 3 or 4 judges who judge the competition and will tally their results for each couple and show the results at the end of the competition.
  2. Judges will have a dancing background and understand the criteria to judge the competition.
  3. Judges will have full authority over the competition and have the right to refuse or remove anyone for any reason from the competition.

Dancing Rules:

  1. Running into other dancers while competing will result in a loss of 10 points for each collision, but only to the couple or couples who’s lead dancer’s (center point of their chest) dances within 180 degrees of the direction of impact and or also did dance within 180 degrees of the direction of impact within 1 or 2 seconds before impact with the Judges being the final decision maker for whether it constitutes a point deduction.
  2. Any form of dangerous behavior, such as dropping your dancer on the floor or if your dancer falls, will constitute a disqualification. However, dancers will still be scored if they continue to dance.
  3. Any form of fighting or unsportsmanlike conduct could and most likely will result in immediate removal from the competition based on the judges decision.
  4. If a dancer is dropped while doing a dip or lift or drop, that couple will no longer be allowed to perform any dip, drop or lift after the first fall or they will be removed from the competition dance floor upon second attempt or immediately thereafter with no explanation until after the round, the only exception to a dip will be if the dancers perform a sit dip where the dancers are in a sitting position with both backs perfectly vertical and heads nor backs are leaning in the backwards position. Sit dips will be the only exception, if you don’t know what a sit dip is then don’t do dips after your first fall or you will be removed.
  5. If a dancer is clearly hurt bad then the competition will stop, and competitors are to stop dancing and to clear the area away for those who are injured so those who can help can treat the injured. The competition will only resume when the injured couple is clear of the dance floor and the judges have made the decision it is safe to continue the competition.
  6. A “lift” is defined in the competition where both of the followers’ feet are off the floor and her body weight is lifted by the lead dancer.
  7. Lifts where the follows hips are “at” or “near” the shoulder of the lead are prohibited, and the judges will determine disqualification.
  8. An “aerial” will be defined as a lift where the follow is lifted “above”, “at”, or “around” shoulder height, and will be determined by the judges of the competition as an aerial. Aerials are prohibited in this competition.
  9. Any injuries while doing lifts will constitute disqualification. If you are hurt but are able safely get off the dance floor after doing a lift then stop dancing and get off the floor immediately so others can continue the competition.
  10. The rules will give recommendations to dancers to be safe while dancing:

Points to be safe are:

  1. Avoid yanking or pulling on arms really hard, be gentle! Gentle is better and safer! Pulling hard will result in injuries to the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand.
  2. Dipping a girl can be dangerous if you have not practiced dipping, we don’t encourage you to dip a girl if you have not practiced and done it 100 times or more. Understand the concepts and principles of how to dip properly and execute it properly first. Remember dropping a girl in a dip is not only unsafe and very dangerous but it will also constitute a disqualification.
  3. Girls when going into a dip, keep note that your neck and head are vulnerable and you should not be doing dips if you are new to them and have not done at least 100 dips before competing. Protecting your head and neck from injury is important and we don’t want to see anyone hurt because you didn’t practice your dips enough before doing them.
  4. Make sure to stretch! Stretch all your muscles, girls be careful of your neck muscles, leg, shoulder and back muscles the most while men need to do neck arms shoulders and legs and especially back muscles. Stretch all your muscles!
  5. Lifts are not encouraged! Lifts will be allowed as long as the follow is lifted below the leads shoulder. We don’t recommend people to do lifts in competition unless they’ve done it 100 times or more before entering the competition.  A bad lift will be scored very badly and could hurt your chances of winning compared to if you kept your dance partner on the floor with your moves.
  6. If you are hurt keep in mind that others will not be aware of you being hurt because there is loud music and lots of distraction, and make sure your partner knows by saying it loudly enough that they can hear you. Make sure others are aware and be aware of other dancers moving towards you, there is a lot going on so expect them not to be aware that you are hurt and if possible try to leave the dance floor or at least get to the middle or outskirts as quickly and safely as possible.
  7. Keep your distance between couples. Try to keep a good space between the couple in front of you and the couple behind you.
  8. Everyone is here to have fun so let’s be safe and gentle and Dance!!!