
How to Pick the Best Country Dancing Jeans for the Country Dancing Bar!

How to Pick the Best Country Dancing Jeans for the Country Dancing Bar

I’ve been dancing for 5 years at Country Dancing Bars and in that time period I’ve probably ran through 20 to 40 different pairs of Country Dancing Jeans.  And when I say Country Dancing Jeans I mean that these are the jeans I like to look good in.

When I first started dancing I didn’t really have anything special for jeans to wear and I didn’t know anything about dancing at the time.  So all I ever did was just go to any random store and bought any pair of random jeans.  I didn’t seem to care how good they looked on me but I did notice how different people looked at the Country Dancing Bars.  Some would wear full western attire and others would wear pajamas to a bar! One thing though that I did notice among girls was the tight jeans.

Now you might think that everyone understands that tight jeans are nice jeans but I’ve also noticed some problems with the tight jean look as well.  And when you are in a Country Dancing Bar and you have lots of competition and you’re trying to impress a girl or guy, then every little thing seems to count to get those individuals you are honing in on, to like you.  And the first thing they judge you by is how you look.

I know that sounds cynical but you have to give people a chance to know you first before they judge you on character.  The first thing people judge you on is looks because they know nothing about you so, looks is all an average person goes by.

The first things that go a persons mind before they talk to you are:  What is she or he wearing? Do they wash their clothes? Do they have good tastes in aesthestics? I remember a girl who was pretty but didn’t dress well at the bar and when we got to her place and I seen her bedroom I understood why she didn’t dress up well.  She had a pile of laundry in the corner of her room that looked like a mile high! So if you are looking for some responsible girls or guys at the bar make sure they are dressing up to look good or they might be one of those kind of people you might see sitting on the couch all day watching TV and doing nothing.

So getting back to tight jeans on a girl, I thought I’d talk about the ankle area of the jean.  One thing I’ve noticed with most skinny jeans is that the ankle area is usually very tight.  It looks very small and in some cases it can either look too small because the person has small ankles or maybe the jean is just too flared out with a short hem that it makes that area look bigger than what it is and if you can see the ankle because the hem is short then it really makes the ankles stand out but usually not in a good way.  So what I’ve come to conclude is that you want your hem of your jean down to the bottom heel of your boot or shoe.  If it’s past the heel it might need a hem.

After some time I actually did kind of realize that the tight ankle jeans  was reason why I was always questioning why something didn’t look right with those good looking girls on the dance floor.  And It was that their ankles were just so tiny compared to the rest of their body.  And so for me it didn’t look good if you wore tight jeans that are tight at the ankles.  In my honest opinion the ankle is not where the jean needs to be tight and in fact that’s where they should be flared out like a bootcut jean.  This will hide the tiny ankles and make the base of your leg look bigger and make a nice line from the knee to the feet, and it actually compliments the other features of the tight jean like the butt area because you can now see a contrast between the tight fit at the butt and the loose cover over the bottom.  It also has less wrinkles in the jean.

What I’ve come to notice is that the jean should draw nice lines around you body.  If it draws wrinkly lines or even lines that give you a boxy kind of look then you may want to find something else.  The idea is that you want to sort of have your lines sort of curvy or straight but not so hilly like you would see over the knee or wrinkly.

Note: Circles are where the wrinkles in the thigh are, you don’t want wrinkles there.

Another point I’d like to make that’s well known is that slim jeans on a guy, that are slim all the way down to the ankle, don’t look good at all.  I think most people who see guys wearing slim jeans at the ankles find that those kind of jeans are very feminine.  And they just don’t look right on a guy in general.  And it took me many years to realize this, but when I noticed this I really started to notice the same thing for girls, that seeing the tight jeans at the ankles don’t look good on either guys or girls.  And if you just compare between a nice bootcut jean with boots or even shoes you will notice that most of the time the boot cut jean look wins.  Now I want to point out one thing when I say that, because there is this misconception that bootcut jeans are bulky and boxy but actually that’s not really the case.  Bootcut means that they are flared out at the bottom and not at the thigh.

Another point I’d like to make is that I think tight jeans actually look good on guys too.  I’m one who wears tight jeans but, I only wear them tight around the hip and thigh area.  Below the knee the jeans are flared out because they are boot cut jeans.  Now I don’t like uncomfortable super tight jeans but ones that hug you on the butt seem to get a lot of girls looking at you too.

Now I’ve had a couple discussions about this idea of wearing jeans inside your boots with a few girls who like to do it and it really is a matter of opinion.  I’m just giving you my opinion and it’s been evolving over time.  But to be honest I think that jeans look better over top of the boots.  If you look around in any country bar and just look at the feet of a group of people wearing different types of pants if you compare the bootcut jean over top of a pair of boots that’s hemmed down to the heel of the boot it will look better than pretty much any other type of pants on the dance floor.

So you probably are wondering what kind of jeans should I buy? Well to make it simple look for jeans that fit tight around the butt and flare out a bit around the foot, but don’t get them flared out too much where you are wearing bell bottoms like hippies!

Now my favorite brand of Jean is called “Rock n Roll” and I wear the Pistol Slim Bootcut jeans with a dark wash colour and triple bean stitch on the inside seem.  I wear a darker colour cause I don’t like light coloured jeans they are just too white when the light shines on them and for some reason it’s just not my favorite.  And the stitching seems to look really unique as well and would not be surprised if it’s stronger than one without the triple stitch. I would say there are many different styles that go with different body types so you will have to decide which one works best for you but you got the general idea that bootcut jeans with a nicely fitted(No Wrinkles) thigh and butt seem to be the best looking and best jeans to wear at the country bar.

For girls you want to make sure they stretch and most of them do, and if guys can find stretch jeans then you might have better luck not busting out your crotch on the dance floor like I have.

When looking for bootcut jeans if you come by a jean store try to tell them to stock slim bootcut jeans if you like them.  Most of these stores are taking the advice of corporate heads and I would argue that the generation we live in mostly agrees with the ideas I’m presenting but just hasn’t really taken the time to think out why they agree with this viewpoint.  If you want to know where are the best places to buy slim bootcut jeans I would say most country western wear stores, like Cavenders, or Buckle.  The “Rock n Roll” brand in my opinion for guys and girls alike is the best brand on the market for looks! I would say a close second for guys Is BKE jeans which are found at buckle stores in America, or your Rock 47 jeans as a close third.  The struggle I see is with the flare at the bottom with BKE is that it’s not flared enough for guys but it’s still a good looking jean and I have a pair myself.  It had me for a couple weeks but when I was about to buy a second pair I compared looks and I have to give it to Rock n Roll for making a sick looking jean even though I’m ripping the crotch out of them every 6 months!

I hope you liked this article, and I hope you feel informed and maybe one day I will make a brand that is just as cool as my R & R jeans but I’ll make sure that the crotch is stretchy so it doesn’t rip out or something!


Corey Barron