
Frequently asked questions

If you are looking to learn Country Dancing and don’t know where to start here are a list of frequently asked questions for beginners that are trying to find out where to start when learning country dancing:

What is the difference between a progressive and a stationary dance?

Progressive Dances vs Stationary Dances

A progressive dance is a type of dance that travels around the outskirts of the dance floor in a counter clockwise direction. You can see that there are imaginary lines drawn into the diagram above where these types of dancers would be travelling. These lines are called “lines of dance”. And as you travel down the line of dance you can face forward or face reverse on the line of dance and you are generally not supposed to travel backwards in a clockwise direction on the lines of dance. The reason for this is because someone may be behind you and you don’t want to run into people on the dance floor. So a uniform direction is a way to prevent chaos on the dance floor for those who wish to do a progressive dance.


Stationary dances are ones where you will dance in the centre of the dance floor. Stationary dances are just that, stationary. You don’t need to travel around the dance floor with stationary dances. You do have lines of dance but they could be a small line like in West Coast Swing or Cha Cha where you continue from one end and travel backwards and forwards or side to side or end to end along the line of dance which could be approximately a few feet long. Stationary dances are meant to be done in the centre of the dance floor because of progressive dancers. The progressive dancers need the outside lanes of the dance floor to travel in and stationary dancers should not dance in these lanes so the progressive dancers don’t have to maneuver around them making it more difficult to navigate the dance floor.

Why are there so many different styles of Dances? Which one should I choose?

The answer to these questions can have a much longer answer than the one we are going to give, but in summary there are many different styles of dance just like there are different genres of music. You can not dance Two Step to every country song there is out there and it’s same with every other style of dance. So to bring this into perspective if you are looking to dance for social purposes by going out to dance bars or dance parties, DJ’s will generally play about 100 songs in a night and the distribution of country songs with the styles of dance seems to be evenly weighted between each other on any given night meaning if you only know Two Step and the DJ play’s music throughout the night that can be done to 8 different styles of dance you may be struggling to enjoy yourself dancing while you wait til a Two Step song comes on. So in summary our recommendation is to learn multiple styles of dance so you don’t have to wait on the side lines and miss out. If you have a variety of styles then the ones you do less can be your back up when you get bored of the common styles you do. Also if you get tired because you were doing Polka which is an energetic dance and want to slow down you can utilize your variety to do something slower like a Waltz. Another note is you can take advantage of meeting more girls or guys by knowing more styles. Many girls or guys may only know a less common style and you may have the experience to realize that if you had not learned a variety of styles you would not have the opportunity to meet more of these people which is another real benefit to learning the many different styles.

What are the most common styles of dance?

In the Country Dancing World the most common styles are the “Two Step”, “Country Swing” and “6 Step”. Most songs played at the bar are divided up between the “Two Step” Rhythm and the “6 Step” Rhythm. With East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Cha Cha falling behind. Polka,Waltz, and Night Club Two Step seem to be less played at the bar. Polka will be played almost every night but Waltz and Night Club will sometimes be lucky to have a song played.

Does dancing help me meet more people?

It absolutely does! As a guy or girl you have the ability to ask anyone at these dancing places to dance. Meaning you have increased your ability to reach out and meet more guys/girls than you would if you had not decided to dance.

Does being a good dancer make a difference vs being an amateur dancer with no instruction? Why?

Well to start off the good dancer gets about 4 times as many girls/guys to dance with them versus the amateur dancer with no real instruction in dance. The reason for that is because the experienced dancer understands what makes a dance fun and what makes it a real struggle. There are a over 100 ways that a dance can be a struggle and when dancers are struggling they are generally spending more energy and they will tire out quicker than those that don’t struggle. On average people go to the bar between 3 to 4 hours on any given night. Now if you plan to go dancing and want to last til the end of the night without being so tired you need to conserve your energy by learning different dance techniques, this is where getting dance lessons from an instructor comes in. Knowing a whole bunch of moves is good but after a while if there is a lot of energy being consumed by a lack of techniques such as pushing and pulling hard on your partner you will burn out fast and I’m sure you may reconsider trying to dance with them again since you have no energy left for the next person you planned to dance with. So if you are looking to make a good impression with the people you dance with to have them keep coming back to dance with you, get some dance lessons where you learn technique and not just dance moves.

Can I compete in Country Dancing? Where can I do that?

Yes you can. There are a few places where you can do that such as weekend long Dance Festivals, Bars and Dance Clubs/Groups. If you are looking to compete in a tournament/playoff style setting then attending Dance Festivals would be the route you would take. If you are looking to compete on a local level then Bars, Rodeos, Dance Clubs/Groups are the best place to do that.

When are the best times to dance?

The best times to dance are generally when there is less people on the dance floor. If there is a lot of people on the floor there you have to make the dance floor your obstacle course where you are making sure you don’t run into people. It’s best not to travel far apart when dancing with your partner in busy situations so you don’t run into people and get hurt.

When are the bars usually busy?

Usually the Country Dancing Bars start to get busy around 11pm so if you find that the bar is empty earlier than that wait til this time to see the bar fill up. By 12pm usually a bars dance floor will be packed to the brim so our recommended dance times are based on empty or moderately busy dance floors.

What should I wear for footwear?

Country Dancing Boots with leather soles on the front part where the balls are your feet are. Be careful not to buy soles with a mixture of rubber and leather because they do not work good for dancing. The leather soles makes the boots more slippery on the dance floor and gives you better turning ability. When practicing as a beginner if you don’t have boots it’s not a big deal. In fact dancing shoes(with swede soles) or small lighter shoes in general are somewhat better based on how slippery they are on wooden floors or concrete floors. The reasoning is that if your shoes are lighter than your boots, then with lighter footwear on your feet you can lift your feet easier and learn to be quicker on your feet faster than you would if you had heavy footwear like boots.

Do I Need to Know How to Dance?

NO! I created this specifically for men who have never stepped foot on the dance floor and have no musical background. You don’t need ANY prior experience.

Is This for Men and Women?

Yes. We have instructors that teach for both the lead and follow.

Does my Girlfriend / Dance Partner Need to Know How to Dance?

NO! I created this specifically for men and women who have never stepped foot on the dance floor and have no musical background. You don’t need ANY prior experience.